
Transparent Proxy Redirection with JunOS

Transparent Proxy Redirection with JunOS

I have to say, I love proxy servers. Transparent proxy is my preference. Of all the Proxy servers in the world, the best in my opinion is Blue Coat’s ProxySG appliance. With the Blue Coat ProxySG as your proxy in transparent mode, this allows us to inspect content, without the need for user input, and to direct the traffic to a proxy so you get all the benefits of Web Pulse, Web Filter, ProxyAV, Wan Optimisation and Flash Caching. Plus the use of CPL (Content Policy Language) to decide whether users should be allowed access to a site or not. With transparent proxy that responsibility is dealt with by the network, and quite right too. There are some applications which don’t, however, respond well to transparent proxy, especially those which don’t understand authentication (are you reading this Google, Apple and Adobe!!!) so they have to be handled on the ProxySG with some custom CPL, however these little issues shouldn’t’ stop you considering transparent proxy as an option if you are planning a Blue Coat deployment or any other proxy which supports transparent redirect.

As both EX and SRX use JunOS, the implementation on each is exactly the same and this is one of the great reasons to love JunOS. In order to do WCCP-like transparent redirect on EX switches or SRX firewalls, there are several configuration items to consider:

  • The Filter Based Forwarding entry
  • A Virtual Routing Instance
  • A RIB group entry to combine the routing-instances
  • Some failover monitoring in-case the proxy fails such as an RPM probe with Event Monitoring

In the PoC lab, the following subnets/VLANs were used:

  • VLAN1 – – Egress route subnet (an SRX firewall is connected and the EX switch has a default route to it)
  • VLAN2 – – Proxy subnet used for the routing-instance configuration. PROXYSG ip is PROXYSG2 ip is
  • VLAN3 – – Client subnet




First off, we setup a firewall filter to assign to an interface. The interface can be either family inet interface, or a virtual (VLAN) interface. This filter redirects anything from source subnet (the client subnet) destined for anywhere on port 80, 443 or 21 to the proxy on routing-instance ‘PROXYSG’.

family inet {
filter proxysg-fbf {
term t1 {
from {
source-address {;
destination-address {;
destination-port [ http ftp https ];
then {
count redirected;
routing-instance PROXYSG;

In display set form, that looks like;

set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from source-address
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-address
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-port http
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-port ftp
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-port https
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 then count redirected
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 then routing-instance PROXYSG
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term default then accept

Next, we need to have some way of redirecting the traffic ‘off-path’ to the proxy server. This is handled by a routing-instance, in this case to proxy server

instance-type virtual-router;
routing-options {
static {
route {
qualified-next-hop {
metric 5;
set routing-instances PROXYSG instance-type virtual-router
set routing-instances PROXYSG routing-options static route qualified-next-hop metric 5
set routing-instances PROXYSG routing-options static route qualified-next-hop metric 20

Next, in order to combine the two routing-instances, we create a rib-group entry.

interface-routes {
rib-group inet PROXYSG;
static {
route next-hop;
rib-groups {
import-rib [ inet.0 PROXYSG.inet.0 ];
set routing-options interface-routes rib-group inet PROXYSG
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options rib-groups PROXYSG import-rib inet.0
set routing-options rib-groups PROXYSG import-rib PROXYSG.inet.0

Finally, the filter we created earlier is assigned to an interface, in this case, the ingress interface which client traffic appears from.

vlan {
unit 3 {
family inet {
filter {
input proxysg-fbf;

In order to have some failover capabilities, were the proxy to fail, we can use event monitoring probes on the EX switch to force a configuration change on the forwarding filter in the event the proxy fails. This is done using a custom monitoring script which was originally designed for use with Juniper WXC appliances.

The WXC-Healthcheck.slax file can be downloaded from here

The script should be uploaded to the EX switch using FTP or SCP and placed into /config/db/scripts/event/ (or whichever is relevant to the JunOS version you are running – tested on 11.4R2.14). Once loaded, you can create the RPM probe and event policy actions.

The event probe is setup as follows under the ‘services’ stanza within the configuration.

rpm {
probe proxysg {
test proxy-ping {
probe-type icmp-ping;
target address;
probe-count 3;
probe-interval 1;
test-interval 10;
thresholds {
total-loss 1;
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping probe-type icmp-ping
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping target address
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping probe-count 3
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping probe-interval 1
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping test-interval 10
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping thresholds total-loss 1

This will log either ‘PING_TEST_COMPLETED’ or ‘PING_TEST_FAILED’ in the ‘messages’ log on the switch.

Next, we create the event-options section to tell the switch what to do in the event of it seeing the ‘PING_TEST_COMPLETED’ or ‘PING_TEST_FAILED’ in the messages system log. The following two configuration options show what the EX switch will do in the event of each.

* In the event of a failure, disable the firewall filter.

policy rpm_down {
within 10 {
trigger on 1;
attributes-match {
PING_TEST_FAILED.test-owner matches "^proxysg$";
PING_TEST_FAILED.test-name matches "^proxy-ping$";
then {
event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax {
arguments {
filter proxysg-fbf;
term t1;
action inactive;

* When the failure is fixed, re-enable the filter.

policy rpm_up {
within 20 {
trigger on 1;
attributes-match {
PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-owner matches "^proxysg$";
PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-name matches "^proxy-ping$";
then {
event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax {
arguments {
filter proxysg-fbf;
term t1;
action active;
event-script {
file WXC-Healthcheck.slax;
traceoptions {
file wxc.out;

In display set for, that looks like;

set event-options policy rpm_down events PING_TEST_FAILED
set event-options policy rpm_down within 10 trigger on
set event-options policy rpm_down within 10 trigger 1
set event-options policy rpm_down attributes-match PING_TEST_FAILED.test-owner matches "^proxysg$"
set event-options policy rpm_down attributes-match PING_TEST_FAILED.test-name matches "^proxy-ping$"
set event-options policy rpm_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments filter proxysg-fbf
set event-options policy rpm_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments term t1
set event-options policy rpm_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments action inactive
set event-options policy rpm_up events PING_TEST_COMPLETED
set event-options policy rpm_up within 20 trigger on
set event-options policy rpm_up within 20 trigger 1
set event-options policy rpm_up attributes-match PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-owner matches "^proxysg$"
set event-options policy rpm_up attributes-match PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-name matches "^proxy-ping$"
set event-options policy rpm_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments filter proxysg-fbf
set event-options policy rpm_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments term t1
set event-options policy rpm_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments action active
set event-options event-script file WXC-Healthcheck.slax
set event-options traceoptions file wxc.out

If the proxy fails, the EX switch ‘event-options’ setting will see and act upon the following message log entry;

Apr 16 08:14:06 rmopd[992]: PING_TEST_FAILED: pingCtlOwnerIndex = proxysg, pingCtlTestName = proxy-ping

Every 20 seconds, it will re-check the message log, looking for the fail or success. If it sees a PING_TEST_COMPLETED, it will re-enable the filter.

Apr 16 08:21:13 rmopd[992]: PING_TEST_COMPLETED: pingCtlOwnerIndex = proxysg, pingCtlTestName = proxy-ping

You can view the filter counters to see traffic being redirected as we added a counter to the firewall filter term.

root> show firewall filter proxysg-fbf
Filter: proxysg-fbf
Name Bytes Packets
redirected 68424 479

You can add failover to a second proxy by adding a second routing-instance and firewall filter term quite easily in order to ensure that traffic is always proxied (thus, your corporate AUP is always enforced).

For example, here term t2 is added after term t1 on the forwarding filter –

filter proxysg-fbf {
term t1 {
from {
source-address {;
destination-address {;
destination-port [ http ftp https ];
then {
count redirected;
routing-instance PROXYSG;
term t2 {
from {
source-address {;
destination-address {;
destination-port [ http ftp https ];
then {
count redirected2;
routing-instance PROXYSG2;
term default {
then accept;

The new routing instance looks like the following –

instance-type virtual-router;
routing-options {
static {
route {
qualified-next-hop {
metric 5;
qualified-next-hop {
metric 20;

The RIB group is amended to add the second PROXYSG2 routing-instance.

rib-groups {
import-rib [ inet.0 PROXYSG.inet.0 PROXYSG2.inet.0 ];

Once this is done, the EX switch will continue to monitor the PROXYSG ip ( and set it as inactive should it fail. If it does, the second term of the firewall filter (term t2) will become active.

family inet {
filter proxysg-fbf {
inactive: term t1 { <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
from {
source-address {;
destination-address {;
destination-port [ http ftp https ];
then {
count redirected;
routing-instance PROXYSG;
term t2 {
from {
source-address {;
destination-address {;
destination-port [ http ftp https ];
then {
count redirected2;
routing-instance PROXYSG2;
term default {
then accept;

You can, of course, setup a second event-option monitor to monitor the second PROXYSG2 proxy ( so that it also is set as inactive were the proxy to fail.

So there it is, transparent redirect in a WCCP-like manner using JunOS. The implementation above has worked on both a test EX switch and an SRX. I’m still working on whether we can emulate the load-balancing functions available from WCCP, via JunOS but for now the above configuration would certainly give you failover if you were to have two proxies.



set version 11.4R2.14
set system root-authentication encrypted-password "REMOVED"
set system name-server
set system scripts op traceoptions file wxc.out
set system scripts op file WXC-Healthcheck.slax
set system services ssh protocol-version v2
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system ntp server
set interfaces ge-0/0/0 description EXTERNAL_INTERFACE
set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members VLAN1
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 description INTERNAL_PROXY_INTERFACE
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members VLAN2
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 description INTERNAL_CLIENT_INTERFACE
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members VLAN3
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 description INTERNAL_PROXY2_INTERFACE
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members VLAN2
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/5 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/6 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/7 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/8 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/9 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/10 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/12 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/13 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/14 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/15 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/16 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/17 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/18 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/19 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/20 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/21 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/22 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/0/23 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/1/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces xe-0/1/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces xe-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces ge-0/1/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching
set interfaces me0 unit 0 family inet
set interfaces vlan unit 0 family inet
set interfaces vlan unit 1 family inet address
set interfaces vlan unit 2 family inet address
set interfaces vlan unit 3 family inet filter input proxysg-fbf
set interfaces vlan unit 3 family inet address
set event-options policy rpm_down events PING_TEST_FAILED
set event-options policy rpm_down within 10 trigger on
set event-options policy rpm_down within 10 trigger 1
set event-options policy rpm_down attributes-match PING_TEST_FAILED.test-owner matches "^proxysg$"
set event-options policy rpm_down attributes-match PING_TEST_FAILED.test-name matches "^proxy-ping$"
set event-options policy rpm_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments filter proxysg-fbf
set event-options policy rpm_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments term t1
set event-options policy rpm_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments action inactive
set event-options policy rpm_up events PING_TEST_COMPLETED
set event-options policy rpm_up within 20 trigger on
set event-options policy rpm_up within 20 trigger 1
set event-options policy rpm_up attributes-match PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-owner matches "^proxysg$"
set event-options policy rpm_up attributes-match PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-name matches "^proxy-ping$"
set event-options policy rpm_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments filter proxysg-fbf
set event-options policy rpm_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments term t1
set event-options policy rpm_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments action active
set event-options policy rpm1_down events PING_TEST_FAILED
set event-options policy rpm1_down within 20 trigger on
set event-options policy rpm1_down within 20 trigger 1
set event-options policy rpm1_down attributes-match PING_TEST_FAILED.test-owner matches "^proxysg1$"
set event-options policy rpm1_down attributes-match PING_TEST_FAILED.test-name matches "^proxy1-ping$"
set event-options policy rpm1_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments filter proxysg-fbf
set event-options policy rpm1_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments term t2
set event-options policy rpm1_down then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments action inactive
set event-options policy rpm1_up events PING_TEST_COMPLETED
set event-options policy rpm1_up within 20 trigger on
set event-options policy rpm1_up within 20 trigger 1
set event-options policy rpm1_up attributes-match PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-owner matches "^proxysg1$"
set event-options policy rpm1_up attributes-match PING_TEST_COMPLETED.test-name matches "^proxy1-ping$"
set event-options policy rpm1_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments filter proxysg-fbf
set event-options policy rpm1_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments term t2
set event-options policy rpm1_up then event-script WXC-Healthcheck.slax arguments action active
set event-options event-script file WXC-Healthcheck.slax
set event-options traceoptions file wxc.out
set routing-options interface-routes rib-group inet PROXYSG
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options rib-groups PROXYSG import-rib inet.0
set routing-options rib-groups PROXYSG import-rib PROXYSG.inet.0
set routing-options rib-groups PROXYSG import-rib PROXYSG2.inet.0
set protocols igmp-snooping vlan all
set protocols rstp
set protocols lldp interface all
set protocols lldp-med interface all
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from source-address
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-address
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-port http
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-port ftp
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 from destination-port https
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 then count redirected
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t1 then routing-instance PROXYSG
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 from source-address
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 from destination-address
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 from destination-port http
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 from destination-port ftp
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 from destination-port https
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 then count redirected2
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term t2 then routing-instance PROXYSG2
set firewall family inet filter proxysg-fbf term default then accept
set routing-instances PROXYSG instance-type virtual-router
set routing-instances PROXYSG routing-options static route qualified-next-hop metric 5
set routing-instances PROXYSG routing-options static route qualified-next-hop metric 20
set routing-instances PROXYSG2 instance-type virtual-router
set routing-instances PROXYSG2 routing-options static route qualified-next-hop metric 5
set routing-instances PROXYSG2 routing-options static route qualified-next-hop metric 20
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping probe-type icmp-ping
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping target address
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping probe-count 3
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping probe-interval 1
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping test-interval 10
set services rpm probe proxysg test proxy-ping thresholds total-loss 1
set services rpm probe proxysg1 test proxy1-ping probe-type icmp-ping
set services rpm probe proxysg1 test proxy1-ping target address
set services rpm probe proxysg1 test proxy1-ping probe-count 3
set services rpm probe proxysg1 test proxy1-ping probe-interval 1
set services rpm probe proxysg1 test proxy1-ping test-interval 10
set services rpm probe proxysg1 test proxy1-ping thresholds total-loss 1
set ethernet-switching-options storm-control interface all
set vlans VLAN1 vlan-id 1
set vlans VLAN1 l3-interface vlan.1
set vlans VLAN2 vlan-id 2
set vlans VLAN2 l3-interface vlan.2
set vlans VLAN3 vlan-id 3
set vlans VLAN3 interface ge-0/0/2.0
set vlans VLAN3 l3-interface vlan.3
set vlans default l3-interface vlan.0
set poe interface all

CACTI Graphs for Blue Coat ProxySG

SGOS 5.x has some great added SNMP sub-tree bits which seems to correlate with MMC/Sky console information (but with added server connection information).

I’ve added some of our lab equipment to our resident Cacti server and so far the results are quite favorable.

Heres the information I used.


. in English is the sgProxyHttpConnections table of BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB which gives:


Reading the subtree with command…

snmpwalk -v 2c -c <community> -m /usr/share/snmp/mibs/BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB.txt <ip> .

The following is returned…

BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB::sgProxyHttpClientConnections.0 = Gauge32: 31
BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB::sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsActive.0 = Gauge32: 1
BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB::sgProxyHttpClientConnectionsIdle.0 = Gauge32: 30
BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB::sgProxyHttpServerConnections.0 = Gauge32: 0
BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB::sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsActive.0 = Gauge32: 0
BLUECOAT-SG-PROXY-MIB::sgProxyHttpServerConnectionsIdle.0 = Gauge32: 0

This is most useful as it will give good graphs to show the average load by client and server workers,

Here’s some output from Cacti which includes the addition of CPU idle/busy graphing also (OID . sgProxyCpuBusyPerCent and . sgProxyCpuIdlePerCent).


The Client and Server worker graphs deserve a closer look.



Here’s the exported cacti_host_template_proxysg.xml. When you import this template, check the ‘Use Custom RRD settings’ within Cacti.


ICAP Anti-Virus the free way

A couple of weeks ago I got a messenger popup from someone in my contacts list. Quite innocuously suggesting that they had seen a picture of me they asked me to confirm by clicking on the link. As it was a contact I trusted I dutifully complied. Dumb.

The link contained a Win32/RCBot.ADH Trojan which my local NOD32 install picked it up but several other contacts also received the same link (although not, thankfully, sent from my computer). That got me to thinking, I use Squid-cache to cache and forward on my Local Area Network. It’s a useful service, especially as I do hit the same sites quite often. I’d played with add-ons for Squid in the past, Dansguardian, Squid-Guard, etc and had tinkered with c-icap before but never got it to compile properly. Other things just took precedence.

I decided to revisit it, eventually being strangely surprised and happy to find it wasn’t so bad to work the problems out after all.

For those who don’t know, you can AV Scan web content (both http, ftp and https) using Blue Coat’s ProxySG/AV products. It’s an extremely powerful solution for a company wanting to both enforce AUP’s and ensure that the content that IS allowed is virus-free. The AV solution supports different AV engines (Kaspersky, McAfee, Sophos to name but a few) with the AV appliance. It’s a nice product to work on and very diverse in application and deployment. But not something you can afford for home…..unfortunately :)

The ProxyAV uses the ICAP protocol (Internet Content Adaptation Protocol) to pass inbound content (html objects, file downloads, etc) to the installed AV scanner. From there, it’s scanned and assigned a token (good or bad) and the token returned to the ProxySG telling it to either serve the content to the user or not as the case may be.  It’s quick and gets the job done very well.

The Open Source alternative to such a system comes in the form of c-icap, ClamAV and Squid. C-icap acts as a ‘channel’ for web content from Squid-Cache to be passed through to the AV Engine (ClamAV). The content is then scanned and the control token sent back to Squid-Cache to either allow or deny.

This is what you get if you inadvertently walk into a virus.


Nice, and I bet you can beautify the page content :)

So, to install it, here’s what I did. I’ve performed the installation on Debian (Edgy) and Ubuntu (6.10LTS) and both work. Debian was on a MIPS Cobalt Raq2, Ubuntu on an i386 server. MIPS was a little slow to load the service but worked, the i386 box (which also runs Squid) flew, especially redirecting the content to an already active ClamAV network service on the box.

I used the following configuration options from the c-icap.conf example file (and checking the MAN pages).

PidFile /var/run/
CommandsSocket /var/run/c-icap/c-icap.ctl
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 600
StartServers 3
MaxServers 10
MinSpareThreads     10
MaxSpareThreads     20
ThreadsPerChild     10
MaxRequestsPerChild  0
Port 1344
User root
Group nobody
TmpDir /var/tmp
MaxMemObject 131072
ServerLog /usr/local/var/log/server.log
AccessLog /usr/local/var/log/access.log
ModulesDir /usr/local/lib/c_icap
Module logger
Module perl_handler
sys_logger.Prefix "C-ICAP:"
sys_logger.Facility local1
Logger file_logger
acl localnet_options src type options
acl localnet_respmod src type respmod
acl localnet src
icap_access allow localnet_options
icap_access allow localnet_respmod
icap_access allow localnet
ServicesDir /usr/local/lib/c_icap
Service echo_module
Service url_check_module
Service antivirus_module
ServiceAlias  avscan srv_clamav?allow204=on&sizelimit=off&mode=simple
srv_clamav.SendPercentData 5
srv_clamav.StartSendPercentDataAfter 2M
srv_clamav.MaxObjectSize  5M
srv_clamav.ClamAvTmpDir /tmp
srv_clamav.ClamAvMaxFilesInArchive 0
srv_clamav.ClamAvMaxFileSizeInArchive 100M
srv_clamav.ClamAvMaxRecLevel 5

You can have a play around with the settings to suit your needs but for my home network, as complex as it can be sometimes ;0), it’s enough.

1. Have your server installed with the following additional packages installed via apt-get –

apt-get install clamav-daemon gcc make automake binutils unzoo libc6 libc5-dev unrar lha

(agree to any dependencies). ClamAV will need to be configured to run as a network socket, not a ‘unix’ process.

2. Download c-icap from SourceForge and un-tar/gzip it in your directory of choice (/tmp for example) – tar xzvf c_icap*.tar.gz

3. cd c_icap<version>

4. ./configure –with-clamav

5. make

6. make install

7. Edit /usr/local/etc/c-icap.conf and make your required changes. For your own network, you’ll need to change it to suit your needs. Such as

acl localnet_options src type options
acl localnet_respmod src type respmod
acl localnet src


srv_clamav.VirHTTPServer  ""

You’ll need to copy the ‘’ script from the /contrib/ directory of the c-icap tar file to a local web service (Apache) in order to make the above command option work in a browser (it’s what is required to display a link to the download file once ClamAV has finished scanning it).

8. If you want to run the program in debug mode to begin with (recommended) you can run the following command – c-icap -N -D -d 10 -f /path/to/c-icap.conf – where you can observe the output for problems.

9. Next, you can use the built-in ‘icap-client’ command to confirm the service is working. Download the file from to your server.

icap-client -f /path/to/ -d 10

You should get the following in the /usr/local/var/logs/server.log

Take action…….

Mon Feb 18 22:56:30 2008, general, VIRUS DETECTED:Eicar-Test-Signature.

10. Once this is done and is successful you need to tell Squid to redirect connections to the c-icap service. This is done with the following:

icap_enable on
icap_preview_enable on
icap_preview_size 128
icap_send_client_ip on
icap_service service_avi_req reqmod_precache 0 icap://localhost:1344/srv_clamav
icap_service service_avi respmod_precache 1 icap://localhost:1344/srv_clamav
icap_class class_antivirus service_avi service_avi_req
icap_access class_antivirus allow all

If you’ve have a version of squid that doesn’t support ICAP you’ll get an error in syslog such as –

squid: parseConfigFile: line 4296 unrecognized: ‘icap_enable on’

If this happens, you’ll need to grab a new copy of Squid from the Source and compile it with the ‘./configure –enable-icap-support’ command.

11.Once you have Squid running with ICAP support you can re-run the Squid Daemon along with c-icap. C-icap can be started with – c-icap -f /path/to/c-icap.conf – if you’re finished with debugging that is :)

Squid will log as normal to it’s access_log, c-icap will log to /usr/local/var/log/server.log. Keep an eye on them if you have any issues retrieving pages or suffer any errors at startup. I’m going to keep an eye on mine for the next couple of weeks as I play around with the settings.

Compared to the power of the ProxyAV from Blue Coat, this isn’t a competitor. The code it still in development. For someone like me who likes to tinker, it’s a useful service to have. Not that I visit the sites that contain viruses (of course) ;) but to help cover the possibility of an infection from the web.

You could run it on a company network if you ‘really’ want to but it may consume precious administration time if things go wrong. If they do, you can simply disable the rule in your squid.conf file until you figure the problem out (icap_enable no instead of yes) but it’s your call :)

Happy, safe, virus-free surfing!

PS: I consider this service very useful. There are possibilities of using is in ‘Reverse Proxy’ mode with Apache’s proxy_engine or even Squid’s reverse proxy capabilities. What about a cluster of c-icap boxes load-balanced via Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager? I’ll be keeping an eye on the progress of it’s development with interest.